Transcription & Scribe Services
Fast and reliable transcription services for audio and video recordings.
Fast and reliable transcription services for audio and video recordings.
Our virtual scribes work the provider's schedule and are readily available to enter the encounter data into the EMR/EHR system.
Contact us for details
MT Solutions was created in 2008 serving mainly the medical industry but has since incorporated a variety of transcription services to include legal, business, closed captioning, insurance, and more. MT Solutions has built a foundation of trust with clients by providing fast, accurate, and cost-effective transcription services. This trust has been earned from our strong ethical standards. We transcribe for physicians, lawyers, authors, publishers, and more. No job is too big or too small. We are very proud of our great reputation. Everything is completed within the U.S. Take a look around our site and feel free to call or email with any questions. You can also fill out the electronic form to receive more information. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
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Click to Email: info@mtsolutionsnow.com